Interest in Oil (as indicated through search volume) is Abnormally High at the Moment Due to Recent Price Decline

Interest in Oil (as indicated through search volume) is Abnormally High at the Moment Due to Recent Price Decline. Looking at the google trends chart above, we can see Interest in Oil (as indicated through search volume) is abnormally high at the moment.

 This data tells us more people are searching for oil using google, likely correlation to investment therefore we can assume that people are looking to invest in oil and are researching or looking to purchase shares and futures commodities contracts online.

 Last time oil price was this low four years ago, price quickly rebounded and went in access of $150 US per barrel.

Gold looks to feature more prominently also the last few months, the Swiss Gold Referendum, Swiss Depeg (de-ceiling) and repatriation of gold by European central banks lately have all been popular news story's on-line.

Joseph Gale
